Friday, October 19, 2012

Second Quarterly Examination in Grade 7

Second Quarterly Examination in Grade 7

Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Shade the circle that corresponds to the correct answer. ( 1 point each )


A play depicting the life, hatred and war between Moros and Christian
  1. Dalit                                        c. Komedya        
  2. Flores de Mayo                      d. Pasyon


The line up of attractively dressed young women in a summer street pageant
      a. Comedya de misterio               c. Pastores
      b. Moro Moro                                d. Sagalas


An annual festival during the month of May commemorating discovery of the cross by St. Helena
      a. Komedya                                   c. Santa Cruzan
      b. Flores de Mayo                         d. Reyna Helena


A lenten play that depicts events from the old and new testaments related to the life, sufferings, and death of Christ.
a.  Salubong                                   c. Pasyon
b.  Pastores                                    d. Senakulo


A Christmas musical celebration practice in many parts of Samar
a.  Caroling                                     c. Pastoles
b.  Choral                                        d. Pastores


A chanting form about the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
a.  Pasyon                                     c. Senakulo
b.  Salubong                                  d. Reyna Elena

What is the function of the song “ Inay “?
a.  To bless the house                   c. To pray for success
b.  To hush the baby to sleep        d. To express sorrow


What is the message of “ Pastores” ?
a.  Birth of Christ                            c. Public Ministry
b.  Passion and Death of Christ     d. Resurrection of Christ


What is the English translation of the Greek word “Kyrie  eleison ? ”
      a.  I believe in God             c. Public Ministry        
      b.  Passion of Christ                     d. Resurrection of Christ


What is the Latin translation of the word “ Lamb of God” ?
      a.  Agnus Dei                                c. Gloria  in excelsis                                       
      b.  Pater Noster                            d.  Sanctus Dominus


In what vocal form is the “Pabasa”, the Lenten song sung by the Catholic Christians during the Holy Week?
a.    Art song                                     c. Choral       
b.    Chant                                         d. Religious


What is the famous band composed of string instruments from the rural Christian communities?
a.    Banda Kwerdas                         c. Gamelan         
b.    Combo                                       d. Rondalla

What musical instrument was built in Las Pinas during the Spanish occupation?
      a.  Bamboo Flute                             c. Bamboo Guitar                            
      b.  Bamboo Tube                             d. Bamboo Organ   


Which of the following folk song does not belong to Region IV-A ?
       a.  Bahay Kubo                               c. Magtanim ay Di Biro
       b.  Leron Leron Sinta                      d. Manang Biday


What is the name of the rondalla instrument with a curved body like a guitar ?
       a.  Banduria                                     c. Laud
       b.  Double Bass                               d. Octavina


A pear – shaped instrument that has 14 strings and 14 frets
       a.  Banduria                                     c. Laud
       b.  Double Bass                               d. Octavina


The  largest of the stringed instruments with thick strings and very low tones
       a.  Banduria                                     c. Laud
       b.  Double Bass                               d. Octavina


A song of the people of a culture or region that reflects their outlook on life.
       a.  Country Song                              c. Pop Song
       b.  Folk Song                                    d. Regional Song

An instrument with a pear- shaped body with 14 strings and 18 frets?
      a. Banduria                                      c. Octavina
      b. Laud                                            d. Bass


The other name of Bajo de Unas is
     a. Banduria                                       c.Mandolin
     b. Double Bass                                 d.Octavina